Our Team


Janet Heeringa

For 15 years, I ran a large dairy farm with my family in the beautiful hills of Cavan Monaghan Township. As times changed in the farming industry, we decided to take a new direction in life and sell the milking part of our operation. At that point, my husband Jesse and I made the decision for me to go back to school and pursue a lifelong dream of practicing law to assist the people of my community with their legal needs. I am a Licensed Paralegal with a Bachelor’s Degree in Legal Studies.

I am also a mother of three beautiful daughters and have a loving and supportive husband. Being a strong member of my community has always been important to me, given my family's deep roots in Cavan Monaghan Township. I feel truly blessed to be able to pursue both of my passions, law and agriculture, and to assist the community with their legal needs.


Tayler Gerow

I grew up in a rural farming community east of Peterborough and attended high school and college locally. I am a Peterborough resident and an active local athlete in Muay Thai and Kickboxing. I spend my spare time teaching youth martial arts and compete in various competitions regularly. I am fully committed to giving back to my community by teaching young adults discipline and self-defence. 

I received my Paralegal diploma from Fleming College and have provided legal services since 2019. After Fleming, I completed my bachelor’s degree in justice studies at Royal Roads University in beautiful British Columbia. Completing my Justice Degree has given me a comprehensive and practical daily understanding of our justice system's challenges.

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